Product Summary

LeaseTracker has developed dedicated solutions for IFRS 16 Lease Accounting Management, Asset Management, Hire Purchases Management as well as a Document Management solution. 

IFRS 16 Lease Accounting Software

LeaseTracker is a cloud-based software solution that ensures you are able to meet all the requirements of the latest IFRS 16 accounting standard. In addition, the Solution is designed to help you effectively eliminate the uncertainty that comes with version control and isolated spreadsheets. All leases are managed in one central place, whilst built-in segregation of duties enables conformance to auditing standards.

Compliance - User Segregation - Onboarding

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Asset Management

Our Asset Management Solution is the ideal platform for anyone who is looking to add operational and financial support to all fixed-assets. You can set reminders, schedules, manage your financials, manage your tenants and more!

Key Features - User Segregation - Onboarding

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Hire Purchase Management

Our Hire Purchase Management Solution is the ideal platform for anyone who is looking to keep all of their critical finance lease information in one central place. Not only does our Asset Finance offering boast instant accessibility from anywhere in the world, but it also promises new levels of streamlined output.

Reporting Flexibility - User Segregation - Onboarding

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Document Management Solution

The Document Management Solution (DMS) is a reliable, cloud-based platform that provides secure and structured information storage for all important documents and files, including customisable and secure approval workflows.

Security and Compliance - User Segregation - Notifications & Reminders

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